
Aristotle Works
Ayer Language, Truth and Logic
Bacon Essays
New Atlantis
Novum Organum
Bentham Principles of Morals and Legislation
Offences Against One's Self
Defence of usury
Bergson The meaning of the war
Creative evolution
Textes philosophiques
Berkeley Alciphron
The Analyst, or a discourse addressed to an infidel mathematician
The Querist
Essay towards a new theory of vision
Three dialogues
Treatise on the principles of human knowledge
Berlin Democracy, Communism and the individual
The purpose of philosophy
Campanella La città del sole
Camus Textes philosophiques
The spirit of St. Fancis de Sales
Exile and the Kingdom
Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays
The Fall
The Stranger
The plague
Carnap Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology
Philosophical Foundations of Physics
Comte The positive philosophy of August Comte: -1-, -2-, -3-
Copleston A History of Philosophy 1: Greek and Rome
A History of Philosophy 2: Medieval
A History of Philosophy 3: Late Medieval and Renaissance
A History of Philosophy 4: Modern: Descartes to Leibniz
A History of Philosophy 5: Modern British, Hobbes to Hume
A History of Philosophy 6: Modern: French Enlightenment to Kant
A History of Philosophy 7: Modern Post-Kantian Idealiststo Marx, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
A History of Philosophy 8: Modern: Empiricism, Idealism, Pragmatism in Britain and America
A History of Philosophy 9: Modern: French Revolution to Sartre, Camus, Lévi-Strauss
Cousin Cours de philosophie sur le fondement des idées absolues du vrai, du beau et du bien
Course of the history of modern philosophy
Philosophie de Locke
Elements of psychology : included in a critical examination of Locke's Essay on the human understanding, and in additional pieces
Philosophy of Kant
Philosophy of the beautiful
Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good
Croce Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx
Aesthetic as science of expression and general linguistic
The essence of aesthetic
Nuove curiosita storiche
Logic as the science of the pure concept
The philosophy of Giambattista Vico
Scritti varii, inediti o rari: -1-, -2-, -3-
Derrida Textes philosophiques
Excuse me, but I never said exactly so
By Force of Mourning (excerpt)
Another interview
From Spectres of Marx: What is Ideology?
I'll have to wander all alone
Adieu Emmanuel Levinas
De la grammatologie
De l'esprit
Donner le temps
Force of Law: The mystical foundation of authority
Interviews I
Interviews II
Le monolinguisme de l'autre
L'Ecriture et la difference
L'université sans conditions
Points de suspension
Politiques de l'amitié
Resistances de la psychanalyse
Descartes Discourse on the Method of rightly conductng the reason, and seeking truth in the sciences
Discours de la Méthode
Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
Méditations Métaphysiques
Correspondance avec Elizabeth
La Dioptrique
Les Passions de l'me
Lettre-Préface aux Principes
Regulae ad directionem ingenii
Distinction réelle entre l'âme et le corps
Diderot Textes philosophiques
Durkheim Travail social
Fichte Complete works (German): -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-, -6-, -7-, -8-
Grundrss des Eigenthumlichen der Wissenschaftslehre
Addresses to the German nation
The way towards the blessed life; or, The doctrine of religion
Freud A young girl's diary
Three contributions to the theory of sex
Dream Psychology
The origin and development of psychoanalysis
The Fliess letters
Psychopathology of everyday life
Galileo Sidereus Nuncius
Dialogo Sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo
Lettere di Galileo Galilei
Gilson Dante and philosophy
Le Thomisme, v. 1
Girard Textes philosophiques
Habermas Destruction of reason
Faith and knowledge
The Idea of the Theory of Knowledge as Social Theory
Bestiality and humanity
Public space and political public sphere
Hegel Philosophy of right
The ethics of Hegel
History of Philosophy: -1-, -2-, -3-
Philosophy of history
Philosophy of mind
Lectures on philosophy of religion: -1-, -2-, -3-
Philosophy of Art
The logic of Hegel
Werke 1. Philosophische Abhandlungen
Werke 2. Phnomenologie des Geistes
Werke 3 Wisssenschaft der Logik
Werke 4 Wissenschaft der Logik
Werke 5 Wissenschaft der Logik
Werke 6 Encyklopdie der philosophischen Wissenschaften
Werke 7a Encyklopdie der philosophischen Wissenschaften
Werke 7b Encyklopdie der philosophischen Wissenschaften
Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, Naturrechts und Staatswissenschaft
Werke 9 Philosophie der Geschichte
Werke 10 ber die Aesthetik
Werke 11 Philosophie der Religion
Werke 12 Philosophie der Religion
Werke 13 Geschichte der Philosophie
Werke 14 Geschichte der Philosophie
Werke 15 Geschichte der Philosophie
Werke 16 Vermischte Schriften
Werke 17 Vermischte Schriften
Werke 18 Philosophische Propadeutik
Werke 19. Briefe von und an Hegel
Supplementband. Hegel's Leben
Heidegger Introduction to Metaphysics
Being and time
Modern science, metaphysics and mathematics
Hobbes The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
De Cive = Citizen
Hume Dialogues concerning natural religion
An enquiry concerning human understanding
An enquiry concerning principles of morals
On the original contract
Idea of a perfect commonwealth
A treatise of human nature
History of England: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-, -6-
Essays, moral, political and literary: -1-, -2-
The first principles of government
The balance of trade
The jealousy of trade
My own life
Philosophical Works: -1-, -3-, -4-
Public credit
Refinement in the arts
Husserl Crisis of European sciences II
Crisis of European sciences III
Ideas: -1-, -2-
Phenomenology and the crisis of Western man
Philosophy and the crisis of European man
Logische Untersuchungen 1
James The Chicago School
Does consciousness exist?
The energies of men
Great men and their environment
The principles of psychology
What is an emotion?
What pragmatism means
A world of pure experience
Kant Critique of Pure Reason
Kritik der Reinen Vernuft (txt), (1787, htm)
Kritik der Urteilskraft
Critique of Practical Reason
Kritik der Praktischen Vernuft
The metaphysical elements of Ethics
Grundlegung der Metaphysik der Sitten
Fundamental principles of the Metaphysic of Morals
Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbrgerlicher Absicht
Kierkegaard Fear and trembling
Leibniz Discours de Métaphysique
Essais de Théodicée - Préface
Principes de la nature et de la grce
Systme nouveau de la nature
Locke Essay on humane understanding: -1-, -2-
First treatise on government
Second treatise on government
Two treatises on government (PDF)
Essay concerning human understanding: 1-2, 3-4
Conduct of the Understanding
Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising the Value of Money
Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money
Observations: "For encouraging the coining Silver Money in England
A letter concerning toleration
The Christian Religion: Illustrated and Proved by Scripture Testimony
Complete works: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-, -6-, -7-, -8-, -9-, -10-
List of his works
Machiavelli The Prince
Il principe
Dell'arte della guerra
The art of war
Belfagor arcidiavolo
Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio
Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius
Discorsi intorno alla nostra lingua
History of Florence
Poesie varie
Vita di Castruccio Castracani da Lucca
Letter to Vettori
Legazione a Caterina Sforza
I capitoli
I decennali
Ai Palleschi
Michele Savonarola, Del felice progresso di Borso dEste: Part 1, Part 2
Francesco Vettori, Viaggio in Alamagna
Francesco Vettori, Sommario della istoria d'Italia (1511-1527)
Malebranche Méditations sur lhumilité et la pénitence
Marcel Being and having
Chapelle ardente
Homo viator
The mystery of being
Points sur les i
Un homme de Dieu
Marcuse Aggressiveness in Advanced Industrial Society
Maritain Antimoderne
Art et scholastique
Philosophy of Art (=Art et scholastique)
Preface to Metaphysics
Marx German
Mettrie Man a machine
Oeuvres philosophiques: -1-, -2-, -3-
Mill A system of logic
Representative Government
Contest in America
Political economics
Essays on some unsettled questions of political economy
The Principles of Political Economy
The subjection of women
Negro question
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
August Comte and Positivism
Thornton on Labour and Its Claims
Montaigne Les essais
Montesquieu The spirit of laws
Lettres persanes
De l'esprit des lois, IV: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-
Newton Representations on the subject of money
Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica
Nietzsche Der Antichrist
Die Geburt der Tragdie
Der Fall Wagner
Der Wanderer und sein Schatten
Die frhliche Wissenschaft
Der Wanderer und sein Schatten
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Ecce homo
Twilight of the idols = Gtzen-Dmmerung
Idyllen aus Messina
Jenseits von Gut und Bse
Beyond good and evil
Menschliches, Allzumenschliches
Nietzsche kontra Wagner
The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms
Wahrheit und Lge
Zur Genealogie der Moral
Thoughts out of season - 1
Homer and Classical Philology
We philologists
On the use and abuse of history
Nozick Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?
Anarchy, State and Utopia
Pascal Pensées, French
Pensées, English
Thoughts (Pensées)
Provincial Letters, French
Provincial Letters, English
Petits Ecrits
Minor Works
Peirce The fixation of belief
How to make our ideas clear
La logique de la science
Plantinga Belief in God
Christian philosophers
When faith and reason clash: Evolution and the Bible
Faith and Reason
Methodological Naturalism? -1-, -2-
Two dozen (or so) theistic arguments
Truth, Omniscience, and Cantorian Arguments: An Exchange
Plato Works
Poincaré La science et l'hypothèse
Dernières pensés
Avenir des mathématiques
Les mathématiques et la logique
L'espace et la géométrie
Science et méthode
Les sciences et les humanités
La valeur de la science
Popper Against television
Language and the body-mind problem
The Problem of Induction
We are in danger of a third world war
Objective knowledge
Prague lecture 1994
Quine, Willard Van Orman Steps Toward a Constructive Nominalism
Two dogmas of Empericism
Verification Theory and Reductionism
Ricoeur Textes philosophiques
Rousseau Confessions, French
Constitutional project for Corsica
Discours sur les sciences et les arts
Discours sur l'Inégalité
The origin of inequality among men: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-
Du Contrat Social
The social contract
Emile, French: Preface, -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-
Emile, English: Preface, -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-
Political Economy
Lettres écrites de la montagne
Les rveries du promeneur solitaire
La reine fantastique
Le devin du village
Les Amours de Claire et de Marcellin
Russell The analysis of mind
A history of Western Philosophy
Proposed roads to freedom - pdf
Proposed Roads To Freedom - txt
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays
Political Ideals
The practice andtheory of Bolshevism
The problem of China
Philosophy for laymen
To Edith
A History of Western Philosophy
In praise of idleness
Ideas that have helped mankind
Ideas that have harmed mankind
Political ideals - htm
Political ideals - txt
The impulse to power
The problems of philosophy
Theory of knowledge
The bomb and civilization (1945)
Nuclear testing
Why I am not a Christian
How I Came by My Creed
On the Value of Scepticism
Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization?
Philosophical Consequences Of Relativity
Dreams and Facts
A Free Man's Worship
On denoting
Icarus, or the future of science
The elements of ethics
The ethics of war
What Desires are politically important?
Fr. Copleston vs. Bertrand Russell on the Existence of God (1948)
Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic
Why I Am A Rationalist
What Is the Soul
What Is An Agnostic
The Twilight Of Science
The Theologian's Nightmare
On Youthful Cynicism
The Metaphysician's Nightmare
A liberal decalogue
Knowledge and wisdom
The divorce of science and "culture
How I write
The Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Sartre Existentialism is a humanism
Being and nothingness
Textes philosophiques
Schopenhauer The World as Will and Representation (selection)
World as will and idea (full text): -1-, -2-, -3-
The basis of morality
The art of controversy
Essays (additional): -1-, -2-
Studies in pessimism
The fourfold root of the principle of sufficient reason // On the will in nature
The wisdom of life
Gesämmelte Werke: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-, -6-, -7-, -8-, -9-, -10-, -11-, -12-
Smith An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
The theory of moral sentiments
Spencer Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects
First principles
Laws in General
The man versus the state
The philosophy of style
Spinoza Ethica
Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione
On the Improvement of the Understanding
A theological-political treatise: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-
Strauss Allan Bloom on Leo Strauss
Philosophy as rigorous science: TXT, PDF
German nihilism
The problem of Socrates
Thoreau On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
Life without principle
Natural history of Massachusetts
A Plea for Captain John Brown
Slavery in Massachusetts
Tocqueville (de) Democracy in America
Oeuvres compètes: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-, -6-, -8-, -9-
Toynbee Lectures on The Industrial Revolution in England
Voltaire Candide
La pucelle d'Orleans
Le monde comme il va
Lettres philosophiques
L'homme au quarante
Dictionnaire Philosophique
Commentaire sur le livre des delits et des peines
Eptre de Mr. de Voltaire son Altesse Madame la Duchesse du Maine
L'Education des Filles
Le Pome sur la Bataille de Fontenoy
Le Pome sur la loi naturelle
Pome sur le désastre de Lisbonne
Songe de Platon
Traité sur la Tolérance
Weber Protestantism and the spirit of capitalism: -1-, -2-, -3-, -4-, -5-
Weil Textes philosophiques
Whitehead Religion in the making
A treatise on universal algebra
Wittgenstein Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung (Tractatus)
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus