Psalm 132

Remember Yahweh, David, * and all his triumphs.
    He who swore to Yahweh, * vowed to the Mighty of Jacob:
        "I will not go home to my bed canopy, * or climb onto the couch set for me.
        I will not give sleep to my eyes, * or to my pupils slumber,
    until I find a place for Yahweh, * a dwelling for the Mighty of Jacob."
        Look! we heard about it in Ephrathah; * we learned about it in the fields of Jaar.
            Let us go to his dwelling; * let us worship at his footstool.
            Arise, Yahweh, to your resting place, * you and the ark your fortress.
        May your priests be clothed with justice, * and your worshipers shout for joy:
                "For the sake of David your servant, * turn not away the face of your anointed."
        David, Yahweh has sworn; * truly, he will not change his mind:
            "The fruit of your body * I will set on your throne,
            if your sons keep my covenant, * and my terms which I shall teach them;
        their sons, too, forever * will sit on your throne.
    For Yahweh has chosen Zion; * he has desired it for his seat.
        This is my resting place forever; * here I will sit for I have desired it.
        Its pilgrims I will abundantly bless; * her needy I will satisfy with food.
    Its priests I will clothe with salvation, * and its worshipers will always shout for joy.
There, David, I will make your horn glow; * I will light your lamp, my anointed!
His enemies I will clothe with shame, * but on him will sparkle his crown."

1. A gradual canticle.

132:0 This is Psalm 132 (Vul 131) in the whole book, the 32nd in the third part, the 13th of the Gradual Psalms, the 3rd of those that pertain to the perfection of the good. Since he considered the confidence of the supplicant (Ps 130), the humility of the confident supplicant (Ps 131), here the Psalmist considers the desire for the progress of others and for the promotion of the Church under the image of a house whose construction was greatly desired. This is the desire with which the saints are inflamed. We pass over the title, which is the same as that of other Psalms and was explained frequently above.

The Psalm has two parts: (1) He speaks in the person of the perfect just man who ardently desires the construction of the house of God by the true builder, Christ, under the figure of David. (2) He happily announces the fulfilment of his desire: "11. The Lord swore to David". In the first part(1) he expresses his desire and asks God to remember the builder, (2) he urges God to help him: "8. Arise, Lord". In the first (1) he asks God to remember the builder, (2) he shows how he learned that the building should be constructed: "6. Behold, we have heard". In the first (1) he asks God to remember the builder, (2) he gives the reason why he should do so: "and all his meekness", (3) He shows for what and in what he should be remembered: "how he swore".

O Lord, remember David,
Remember Yahweh, David,

132: The idea is: Lord, I trust, and humbly I know that I am nothing, but I ask, O Lord, remember David, the spiritual builder of the Church, who is Christ. For he is the true David, (1) with the strong arm. —Proverbs 31:19 She puts her hands to the distaff (Vul: strong things). It is also said of him —Micah 3:8 But as for me, I am filled with power, with the spirit of Yahweh. (2) with good looks —Cant 2:14 Let me see your face, both the exterior, which is very beautiful. —Ps 45:2 You are the most handsome of all men— and the interior —Jer 31:23 Yahweh bless you, home (Vul: beauty) of saving justice. Therefore Peter said (1 Pet 1:12) which angels desire to look at.

and all his meekness.
and all his triumphs.

132: The idea is: Literally, let his very meekness be the reason for remembering him. The historical David was very meek, which is proved by his sparing Saul who cruelly persecuted him (1 Sam 24). But much meeker was the spiritual David, Christ to whom the Father gave the precept of meekness. —Sir 3:17 My son, conduct your affairs with humility. He said (Mat 11:29) 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart. —Jer 11:19 But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter.

2. How he swore to the Lord, he vowed a vow to the God of Jacob:
He who swore to Yahweh, vowed to the Mighty of Jacob:

132: Here he shows for what he wants him to be remembered: for his giving the grace to fulfil the promise. So (1) he asks to be given the grace of fulfilling what he promised, (2) he specifies what that is: "If I should enter". In the first there are the two ways of promising: and oath and a simple promise. The idea is: Remember David, so that he may carry out what he swore to the Lord. This should be a reference to 1 Chronicles 28:2 I had planned to build a house of rest for the ark of the covenant of Yahweh. But when did the spiritual David, Christ, ever vow or swear? The answer is that if he did not do so himself, he did in his members, the just who promise God and vow to build the Church. So the very Church swears and vows to build itself. These are the oaths referred to in Matthew 5:33 Carry out the vows you have made to the Lord. —Sir 23:11 If he swears without reason he cannot be found just.

He wants to fulfil what he vowed to the Lord God of Jacob, since one must fulfil oaths. —Deut 23:23 Whatever your lips utter you must diligently perform. These vows of building the Church are pleasing to God. But he must help to fulfil oaths and promises —John 15:1 Without me you can do nothing. —Is 26:12 All our works you have done for us.

3. If I shall enter into the tabernacle of my house:
"I will not go home to my bed canopy,

132: Here he specifies what he swore and vowed, namely, that he will not withdraw from having a house built. He states (1) the things that will not stop him from this project, (2) what he intends to do: "until I find". In the first he mentions three obstacles that could stop people from building and removes them: (1) care for family matters, (2) care for pleasure: "if I should go to bed", (3) care for rest: "if I should give sleep". The idea is: David swore and vowed, saying, if I should enter, taking care of and worrying about the tabernacle of my house and my family, then, there is implied, let some evil happen to me. For I do not wish to look for my own interest first and foremost. —1 Cor 13:5 Charity does not seek its own interest. Therefore, the Lord complains through Haggai (1:9) My house lies in ruins, while all of you hurry off to your own houses. For many take great care of their own houses, and do not care what happens to the Church of God. But —Job 8:22 The tent of the wicked will be no more. —Job 18:14 They are torn from the tent in which they trusted. —Gregory: One will be torn from his tent when, after piling up a horde, he is taken away by a sudden death. Someone who entered his tabernacle and equipped his house in the best way is the one who said (Luke 12:19) Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry. And he was immediately told (12:20): You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you.

if I shall go up into the bed wherein I lie:
or climb onto the couch set for me.

132: Or climb into the bed where I lie, to get bodily pleasure. This bed should not be entered, but rather taken away. —Mat 9:6 Stand up, take your bed, that is, your fleshly pleasure from there, and go to your home to your conscience. Uriah, the good soldier, refused to got to this bed (2 Sam 11). Ishbaal did get into this bed and was struck in the stomach and killed (2 Sam 4:5-6). Miserable flesh and a garrulous woman invite one to get into this bed. —Prov 7:16 I have decked my couch with coverings, colored spreads of Egyptian linen.

4. If I shall give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids, 5. Or rest to my temples:
I will not give sleep to my eyes, or to my pupils slumber,

132: Here he shows that he will not stop because of his concern for rest: (1) simply sought, or (2) after a fashion: "or slumber", or (3) to persevere in it all the time: "or rest". The idea is: Let me not be stopped because of family cares or fleshly desire, and also let me suffer evil if I give sleep to my eyes, that is, if I take my rest in temporal things, like those mentioned in Psalm 76:6 The warriors slept their last sleep, and were found no more.

Or [if I give] at least slumber to my eyelids, just taking a catnap, then let evil happen to me. The soul drowses when the lower part of reason pauses and rests in transitory things. But it sleeps when its superior part consents, acting against Proverbs 6:4 Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber. —Prov 6:9 How long will you lie there, O lazybones? When will you rise from your sleep?

Thirdly, if I give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, or even rest to my temples, looking to rest in temporal things even for some time, let evil happen to me. —Lam 2:18 Give yourself no rest, your eyes no respite! —2 Cor 7:5 Our bodies had no rest.

until I find out a place for the Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
until I find a place for Yahweh, a dwelling for the Mighty of Jacob."

132: Here he shows what he will not be stopped from: (1) looking for a place for the house of God, (2) the building of a tabernacle: "a tabernacle". The idea is: I do not wish to attend to any of the preceding distractions, but let evil happen to me if I do, until I find a place for the Lord suitable for building a tabernacle for him to live in. This place is the quiet and peaceful soul. —Ps 76:3 His den was in Salem (peace), and his lair in Zion.

Until I find or build a tabernacle for the God of Jacob, not to a new and recently invented god. Obedient hearts are such a tabernacle. —Rev 21:3 See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them. Therefore it is said in 2 Sam 7:5 Thus says Yahweh: Are you the one to build me a house to live in? When it is well equipped, then there is the fulfilment of Numbers 24:5 How fair are your tents, O Jacob, your encampments, O Israel! For in those hearts the Lord fights and does battle. This is a different meaning of tabernacle from the previous one.

Note that a tabernacle can be: (1) a material tabernacle — Isaiah 38:12 My dwelling is plucked up and removed from me like a shepherd's tent. (2) the body —2 Pet 1:14 I know that the laying down of my tabernacle will come soon. (3) the womb of the Glorious Virigin —Sir 24:8 He who formed me chose the spot for my tent. (4) the Church militant —Is 4:6 It will serve as a pavilion, a shade by day from the heat. —Ps 46:5 The Most High sanctifies his dwelling. (5) the Church triumphant —Is 33:20 an immovable tent. —Heb 8:2 the true tent that the Lord, and not any mortal, has set up. (6) care of temporal things —Ps 132:3 I will not go home to my bed canopy. (7) the faithful soul, as in this verse.

6. Behold we have heard of it in Ephrata:
Look! we heard about it in Ephrathah;

132: Here he shows from what the house should be built: (1) Jews, (2) Gentiles: "we found it", (3) and proves what he said: "we will enter". The idea is: I ask you to remember David who is to build you a house, who so swore and vowed and in fact will build it, because we heard with the ears of our hearts about it, the house or place of the Lord, in Ephrathah, that is, in Scripture. Or we heard of the future house in Scripture, because the prophets never ceased proclaiming that. Or the future house began in Ephrathah with the birth of the Savior —Micah 5:2 But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel.

we have found it in the fields of the wood.
we learned about it in the fields of Jaar.

132: The idea is: We heard from the Jews that the house of God was being begun, and we found it in the fields of the wood, that is, in the Gentile world, which was a field because of their unrestrained sinning, and a woods, because it was uncivilized and full of sin and bush. —Is 55:12 All the trees of the field shall clap their hands. —Is 65:10 Sharon shall become a pasture for flocks. For abandoned Ephrathah, where news came of that, will go to the woods, to the Gentile world, and be found by them. —Is 65:1 I was found by those who did not seek me. —Is 32:15 and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest. For Carmel (fruitful field), being soft and malleable, was thought to be a desert. —Rom 9:30-31 Gentiles, who did not strive for righteousness, have attained it, that is, righteousness through faith; but Israel, who did strive for the righteousness that is based on the law, did not succeed in fulfilling that law. Ephrathah is a mirror of the cleric and prelate, in whom God is heard, for they say and hear many things. Regarding them it is said (Mat 23:3): Do whatever they teach you and follow it. But he is found in the example of the poor and humble —Cant 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

7. We will go into his tabernacle: we will adore in the place where his feet stood.
Let us go to his dwelling; let us worship at his footstool.

132: Here is the proof of what he said, in two points: (1) that by faith they will enter the unity of the Church, (2) that they will devotedly adore: "we will adore". The idea is: I said that the Jews heard it was coming, and it was found among the Gentiles. And that is true, because we, Jews and Gentiles, will enter his tabernacle, that of the God of Jacob, which is the Church, through the unity of faith. —Wis 8:16 When I enter my house, the Church, which is the one house of all the faithful, I shall find rest with her, that is, with wisdom. The entry of the Jews was marked in Exodus 33:9 Moses entered the tent. The entry of the Gentiles was more noted —Zechariah 8:23 In those days ten men from nations of every language shall take hold of a Jew, grasping his garment and saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you". For this house holds all without distinction, except that only the most clean will enter it. —Rev 21:27 Nothing unclean will enter it.

We will not only enter by faith, but we will also adore, by heart and interior devotion, in the place where his feet stood. They stand there who persevere in good work and faith. There he is to be given adoration, and in this assembly offered sacrifice. —Deut 12:13-14 Take care that you do not offer your burnt offerings at any place you happen to see. But only at the place that Yahweh will choose. —Ex 33:21 See, there is a place by me, namely, the Church, where you shall stand on the rock, on Christ by perseverance. —1 Cor 10:4 and the rock was Christ. We will adore also in the way he is to be adored, in spirit and truth. —John 4:23 The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.

8. Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place: thou and the ark, which thou hast sanctified.
Arise, Yahweh, to your resting place, you and the ark your fortress.

132: After showing his desire to see the house of the Lord built, the builder is invited to build it. Therefore: (1) he invites Christ to do so, (2) he prays that the Jewish nation [not] be excluded from that house, or he invites God the Father to send his Son: "For your servant David's sake". In the first he invites Christ (1) to prepare himself for building the Church through his resurrection, (2) that he ordain ministers for the construction: "Let your priests". In the first, he invites Christ (1) to rise in reality, (2) to make his own people rise in hope: "you and the ark". The idea is: Lord, we know that the Church, which is the house of God, is to be gathered from the Jews and the Gentiles. Therefore, Lord, that this may happen, arise from the dead to your rest, that you may fear no more harrassment from the Jews, as did happen. —Rom 6:9 Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again. —1 Cor 15:20 Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have died. Christ had rest by this resurrection, and even before the resurrection, immediately after his death. —Rev 14:13 Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labors.

He says: Rise, you first, in reality, and the ark which you sanctified, namely the Church, through you in hope. He comes first, and the others after him. —Micah 2:13 The one who breaks out will go up before them. —Zeph 3:8 Wait for me, says Yahweh, for the day when I arise in the future.

The ark is a good symbol of the Church, because in it were kept: (1) manna, while in the Church bread from heaven (John 6). (2) the tablets of the covenant; while in the Church the two are held by true knowledge —Luke 24:45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. (3) the staff of Aaron, while in the Church there is priestly power —Mat 16:19 Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. (4) The Church was also symbolized by the ark of Noah, battered by the waves of troubles and containing animals of every kind.

9. Let thy priests be clothed with justice: and let thy saints rejoice.
May your priests be clothed with justice, and your worshipers shout for joy:

132: Here, after asking Christ to prepare himself, he asks him to ordain ministers: (1) by pouring his spirit on the Apostles, (2) from this ourpouring, joy may rise in their hearts, that they may be gracious, just and cheerful: "and let your saints". The idea is: Lord, arise and prepare yourself, and your priests, the Apostles made priests by you when you said (Luke 22:19) Do this in remembrance of me. This is the fulfilment of Isaiah 61:6 You shall be called priests of Yahweh, ministers of our God. — that it may be said to you (1 Pet 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood. Let your priests put on, as you pour the Holy Spirit into them from above, justice, like a beautiful garment. —Luke 24:49 Stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high, that is, with justice, so that they can say (Job 29:14) I put on righteousness, and it clothed me. This clothing is strong armor —Rom 13:12 Let us put on the armor of light. If prelates wore this, their subjects would go well. —Ps 65:14 May the valleys be dressed with flocks, that is, prelates with justice, and the lowlands be mantled with wheat, that is with obedient and humble people.

And let your saints, the same who were called priests, rejoice, perfused with interior joy over the conversion of the Gentiles. —Prov 11:10 When it goes well with the righteous, converted to the faith, the city and the unity of its leaders rejoices. Likewise, there is much joy among the subjects at the progress and perfection of the leaders. —Prov 10:28 Prov 10:28 The hope of the righteous in ruling ends in gladness for the subjects.

10. For thy servant David's sake, turn not away the face of thy anointed.
"For the sake of David your servant, turn not away the face of your anointed."

132:1.2.2 After inviting the Lord to build, he prays for the Jewish people, that they may not be excluded from the building. The idea is: Rise, Lord, ordain priests and fill them with virtue, that your Church may be built. And, Lord, do not turn away the face, or knowledge, of your Christ from the Jews, from whom he is to be born. —2 Chron 7 [wrong ref. ???] Lord, do not turn your face away from the remnant of Israel, which he would not do unless he was stopped (? stetisset) through them. But they found opprobrium —Jer 18:17 I will show them my back, not my face. And that happened —Acts 13:46 Since you reject it and judge yourselves to be unworthy of eternal life, we are now turning to the Gentiles. What is said here is to be understood with regard to the end and what will happen. For the remnant will be converted. And all that for the sake of David, that is, because of me, your servant, to whom you promised —1 Kings 11:12-13 But I will not tear away the kingdom in your days, because of David, my servant, and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.

11. The Lord hath sworn truth to David, and he will not make it void:
David, Yahweh has sworn; truly, he will not change his mind:

132:2.1.1 Here he happily asserts that the desire which he expressed above is fulfilled, showing that the Church has been perfected by God, and three special good have been given to it. Therefore he happily asserts that the Church, in its head and in itself, has received (1) perpetual power, (2) through abundant grace, an understanding of the truth: "15. Blessing I will bless her widow", (3) the perfection of holiness or goodness: "I will clothe her priests". In the first there is: (1) a divine and firm promise, (2) what this promise is about: "of the fruit". In the first there is (1) the firm and stable promise, (2) its irrevocability: "and he will not make it void". The idea is: I asked for the house to be built, and that will happen, because the Lord, who does not lie, has sworn to David, that is, promised to the historical son of Jesse. —Heb 6:13 Because he had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by himself. This was sworn (1 Chron 17).

And he will not make it void, even by commuting what he promised. Another reading has: "He will not repent." Ps 110:4 Yahweh has sworn and will not change his mind. —1 Sam 15:29 Moreover the Glory of Israel will not recant or change his mind; for he is not a mortal, that he should change his mind. —Num 23:19 God is not a human being, that he should lie, or a mortal, that he should change his mind.

of the fruit of thy womb I will set upon thy throne.
"The fruit of your body I will set on your throne,

132: Here is what he promised: [(1) to the Head, (2) to the members: "if your children".] From the fruit of your womb — he does not say "from the fruit of your scrotum", because Christ did not come through generation from the seed of any of the sons of David, but through the virgin womb without male seed — I will set, establishing firmly and eternally, upon your throne, with royal power and dignity. —2 Sam 7:12 I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come forth from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. —Is 9:6 to extend his dominion... over the throne of David and over his kingdom, to make it secure and sustain it... from this time onwards and forever. —1 Kings 2:45 The throne of David shall be established before Yahweh forever.

12. If thy children will keep my covenant, and these my testimonies which I shall teach them: Their children also for evermore shall sit upon thy throne.
if your sons keep my covenant, and my terms which I shall teach them; their sons, too, forever will sit on your throne.

132: Here perpetuity of power is promised to the members of the Church, and that conditionally, which was not the case with the Head, who received a simple promise. For it is impossible for the Head to sin, unlike the members. So there is (1) the conditional promise, (2) the cause and reason for the promise: "For the Lord has chosen". In the first there is (1) the condition under which the promised is made, (2) the promise itself: "Their children". In the first there is (1) the keeping of the pact and command, (2) perseverance in keeping it: "and these testimonies". The idea is: God swore that the Head himself would rule forever, and your sons shall also sit firmly established on your throne, holding royal power. —Jer 33:20-21 If any of you could break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night would not come at their appointed time, only then could my covenant with my servant David be broken, so that he would not have a son to reign on his throne. If your sons, David, keep my covenant, that is, the pact made in baptism —Deuteronomy 7:12 If you heed these ordinances, by diligently observing them, Yahweh your God will maintain with you the covenant loyalty that he swore to your ancestors — and if they keep my testimonies, that is, laws and precepts, which I will teach them —1 Kings 3:14 If you will walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your lifethen their sons, not only their immediate sons, will succeed them forever. This is the perseverance and persistance, which will also be with the Church forever. —Samuel 7:16 Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. The phrase could also read: "If your sons and their sons keep my laws, they will sit on your throne forever." —1 Kings 11:34 I will make him ruler all the days of his life, for the sake of my servant David. Likewise, if the covenant is kept and the commandments are observed, such a person will be placed on a throne in the heavenly kingdom. —Rev 3:21 To the one who conquers I will give a place with me on my throne.

13. For the Lord hath chosen Sion: he hath chosen it for his dwelling. 14. This is my rest for ever and ever: here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.
For Yahweh has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his seat. This is my resting place forever; here I will sit for I have desired it.

132: Here is the reason for such a promise, and it is threefold: (1) a choice by predestination, (2) a choice by present justification and indwelling through grace: "he has chosen it", (3) a choice by final perseverance in grace, and then in glory: "this is my rest". The idea is: I said that your sons will sit on your throne if they behave, but do not let them attribute this to their own merits, because the Lord has chosen by an eternal predestination, Zion, that is, his Church. —Eph 1:4 He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. —John 15:16 You did not choose me but I chose you.

Secondly, besides choosing it by predestination, he chose it for his dwelling by the infusion of grace. —2 Thes 2:13 God chose you as the first fruits for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit. He sanctifies it because he wants to dwell there. —Is 62:4 and your land shall be married (Vul: inhabited). —Zech 2:10 I will come and dwell in your midst. —Rev 21:3 He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples. He fulfils what he promises —Mat 28:20 I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Thirdly, God chose it to persevere in grace and then in glory, where "rest" refers to grace, and "dwelling" to glory. The idea is: I said that he chose Zion by predestination and by the infusion of grace. Now he speaks emphatically, This is my rest forever, that is, the place of my refreshment. —Is 66:1 What is my resting place? and on whom will my Spirit rest? On Zion. —Prov 14:33 Wisdom is at home in the mind of one who has understanding. He looks for this rest —Sir 24:7 Among all these I sought a resting place; in whose inheritance should I abide? In Zion. —Prov 8:31 My delights are with the sons of men, not with cattle.

Here I will dwell in glory, for I have chosen it for my dwelling place. —Is 62:4 Yahweh delights in dwelling in you with glory. —Is 12:6 Shout aloud and sing for joy, O royal Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. —Ez 48:35 The name of the city from that time on shall be, Yahweh is There.

15. Blessing I will bless her widow: I will satisfy her poor with bread.
Its pilgrims I will abundantly bless; her needy I will satisfy with food.

132:2.2 Here he promises an abundance of grace to understand the truth, stating (1) the promise of an abundance of grace, (2) the purpose of that abundance: "I will satisfy". The idea is: Having promised the Church power, now I will abundantly bless, by infusing grace, her widow, that is, Zion, the soul destitute of human help and not putting its hope in man —Jer 49:11 Let your widows trust in me. —1 Tim 5:5 The real widow, left alone, has set her hope on God. —Sir 35:17 He will not ignore the supplication of the orphan, or the widow when she pours out her complaint. Rather, he will bless her abundantly. —Eph 1:3 He blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, that is, influencing us from heaven.

Here he shows why he will bless her. Her poor, that is, those who are truly poor in Zion, I will satisfy with the bread of true understanding. —Sir 15:3 She will nourish him, that is, the poor and dependent in the Church, with the bread of understanding. —Is 14:32 The needy among his people will find refuge in her. What kind of bread? They will be satisfied with the bread that really refreshes. —Luke 11:5 Friend, lend me three loaves of bread. These are the Old Testament, the New Testament and the commentaries of the saints. They are not teachings that are not real bread —Is 55:2 Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy? —Is 56:11 The dogs have a mighty appetite; they never have enough. —Ps 22:27 The poor will be content. The Gloss interprets this as the Eucharistic bread.

16. I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great joy.
Its priests I will clothe with salvation, and its worshipers will always shout for joy.

132:2.3.1 Here is the promise of perfect sanctity or goodness, with (1) the promise, (2) the reason or cause of giving this: "There I will bring forth". In the first there is the promise (1) of holiness, (2) of joy in that holiness, which completes everything: "and her saints". The idea is: Just as I gave them power, so I give them knowledge of the truth. Thus I will clothe her priests, the elders and prelates, with salvation, that is, Christ, or the imitation of Christ —2 Chron 6:41 Let your priests, Yahweh God, be clothed with salvation, that is, with the virtues that make them imitate the Savior, Christ. —Is 61:10 He has clothed me with the garments of salvation. —Rom 13:14 Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. So among her priests the Church is the woman that John saw (Rev 14).

Referring to the joy of that holiness, he says, her saints, who are the same priests, shall rejoice exceedingly. —Jer 31:14 I will give the priests their fill of fatness, that is, spiritual exultation. —Is 51:3 Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song. —Is 65:14 My servants shall sing for gladness of heart. —Is 66:10 Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her.

Here it should be noted that the priests should put on vestments spiritually, as in antiquity they did materially, especially the bishops. (1) The waist linen stands for chastity —1 Tim 3:4 A bishop must have all chastity. (2) The linen tunic stands for cleanliness of the whole body —Is 52:11 Purify yourselves, you who carry the vessels of Yahweh. (3) The cincture stands for justice —Is 11:5 Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist, and faithfulness the belt around his loins. (4) The purple tunic stands for heavenly behavior —Phil 3:20 But Our citizenship is in heaven. (5) The ephod stands for labor and patience —2 Tim 2:3 Share in suffering like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (6) The breast-piece stands for sobriety of judgment and intelligence —Rom 12:3 Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment. (7) The golden rosette on which was inscribed the name of the Lord is a way of expressing the passion of the Lord. It is on the forehead, signifying a bold confession of faith. —Luke 9:26 Those who are ashamed of me and of my words, of them the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

17. There will I bring forth a horn to David: I have prepared a lamp for my anointed.
There, David, I will make your horn glow; I will light your lamp, my anointed!

132: Here is the reason and cause of such great blessings, the presence of Christ and the benefits he confers. Therefore there is mentioned (1) the presence of Christ, (2) the benefits conferred on him: "his enemies". In the first the presence of Christ is promised (1) in himself, (2) in he precursor: "I have prepared". The idea is: I will make progress in holiness and goodness. And no wonder, because there, in the Church, I will bring forth a horn of David, a horn which is Christ, who is called a "horn of salvation" because he provides a saving defence. —2 Sam 22:3 my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is the horn of David because he arose from David. —Luke 1:69 He raise up for us a horn of salvation in the house of David, his servant. —Rom 1:3 who was born of the seed of David. He says "bring forth" (producam) to show that he will stand out from others as higher and stronger than all. —Eph 1:22 = 1Cor 15:27 He has put all things under his feet. —Heb 2:8 Now in subjecting all things to them, God left nothing outside their control.

Secondly, he shows his presence in his precursor. Before bringing forth a horn of David, I prepared a lamp for my anointed, one walking and running before him, and that is John the Baptist. —John 5:35 He was a burning and shining lamp. —Bernard: Only to shine is useless; only to burn is little. But to burn and shine is perfect. By shining, he dissipates the darkness of pride, since the proud person is in the dark; by burning, he burns the thorns of avarice and dries the moisture of unchastiy. Anyone who wants to be enlightened and heated by the lamp has only to lift the eyes of his heart to it by a right intention, open the windows of his heart by widening his desire, and come near by imitating his good works. The Lord prepared this lamp by making it straight at the conception of John, inserting an unlit candle in the infusion of his soul, lighting the candle when he sanctified him in the womb, bringing it out from hiding at his birth, and putting it on a candle stand as he exercized the office of preaching.

18. His enemies I will clothe with confusion: but upon him shall my sanctification flourish.
His enemies I will clothe with shame, but on him will sparkle his crown."

132: Here are the blessings conferred on Christ when he came forth: (1) the confusion of his enemies, (2) his sanctification and glorification above all: "but upon him". The idea is: After the lamp, I will bring forth Christ, and I will clothe his enemies with confusion, not just shaming them, but covering them with shame on every side. —Job 8:22 Those who hate you will be clothed with shame. —Micah 7:10 Then my enemy will see, and shame will cover her. —Ps 109:29 Let my slanderers wear their disgrace, and put on their humiliation as a garment.

Secondly, the cause the the enemies' shame is the fact that my sanctification, which I made in Christ, will flourish, even more so in glory, upon him. For he is the flower that cannot wither: (1) a flower at his birth — Isaiah 11:1 A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch (Vul: flower) shall grow out of his roots. (2) a flower in his good-smelling behavior —Cant 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. (3) a flower and red rose in his passion —Sir 24:14 as the rose bushes of Jericho. (4) This flower blossomed again in his resurrection —Ps 28:7 My flesh flourished again (Vul). (5) But he will bloom outside himself, in us in the general resurrection. For our glory will be an overflow of his own, so that we can say the same thing about glory as we do about grace (John 1:16): We have all received from his fulness.

He, who is at present the holiness of God the Father, will blossom outwards, because through him the Father sanctifies all who are made holy. —1 Cor 1:30 He became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. For he was the first to be sanctified —John 10:36 whom the Father has sanctified and sent into the world. Through him others are sanctified —Hebrews 2:11 For the one who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. May we receive this sanctification —that we may blossom in the resurrection— from God who is blessed for all ages upon ages. Amen.